“Time to take pictures and make memories”

You’ve managed to pack up the Rugrats, convince your partner to take some time out and have family pictures taken. Well done.

Thank you for entrusting me as your photographer to take your pictures and turn them into memories. 

Here is what you can expect on the day and how to prepare; firstly I want to start off by saying our session will be relaxed, a conversation about your family while your kids are running around having a great time - it’s the perfect way to reconnect with each other as a family, reflect on your milestones in a time when most of us lead such busy lives. 

I'll always prompt and direct you and never leave you hanging with no idea what you should be doing next. If you walk away after reading this and only remember one thing, let it be this: have zero expectations. Embrace what comes – the wind, the rain, the laughter, whatever unfolds. It’s all about YOU and capturing your life exactly how it is on the day of your shoot – wrinkles, tears, joyous abandon, and all.

I promise it will be fun and by the end of the session you'll be total pros in front of the camera

How to prepare 

When photographing kids, I’ve learned relatively quickly that every plan is contingent on their mood. In the lead up to the session, get the kids involved and excited about what’s to come. Chat to them about the fun games we will be playing, the location and there might even be delicious snacks on offer. It’s always helpful to packing a lollie bag! to bust out right when the kids need that slice of motivation buys us a lot of precious time and cooperation! 


My favourite places to shoot are locations you hold deep in your heart, places which have your favourite memories or reflect the tones or theme of your home. If you’re not sure, don’t sweat it! I’ve got my own little index of locations for almost every scenario, and we can go through them together. Ideally, we’re looking for somewhere where there aren’t too many distractions, where the light is soft, and where there’s enough space for us to move around without breaking anything. Scroll through my Instagram to see what jumps out at you. 

What to wear 

The number one thing I want you to remember is that being comfortable is everything. 

Dressing a swag of kids, your partner plus yourself is tough I get it! Being prepared a week before your session is ideal, leaving the styling to the last minute can add extra unneeded stress. I recommend sticking to a colour palette of 4 different tones and a mix of textures this is so you can look good together without looking the same. Make sure your dress for the right temperature, you don’t want to be too hot or too cold. Bring as many options as you like! Be careful with prints, logos, and colours which don’t reflect the background as sometimes these detract from the most important parts of the photograph – you!

Want more info? Let me know. I can send you my comprehensive What to Wear Guide.


I love to photograph during Golden Hour which is 30 minutes before sunset or 30 minutes from sunrise this is when the light is its most magical. Let have chat about when the kids are at their best and work according to their schedules. Depending on when the sun rises and sets, this window of time might not work for everyone. We can discuss alternative options. If it feels like too much of a struggle to get everyone dressed and fed and out of the house on time for Golden Hour, consider having the session at home! From candid moments around the kitchen table, to rolling around in tickle fights on the bed, I am a huge fan of in-home sessions for the way they authentically capture a snippet of your family reality.


Check your inbox once your photoshoot has been locked and loaded I will send you a personalised questionnaire to get to know your family better, understand what you value as a family and lets me know if there are specific combinations of people who you’d like me to photograph together and I’ll make sure to prioritise based on what’s most important to you guys. I’ve got tons of poses and prompts up my sleeve for any scenario, so all you must do is relax and go with it!


They are part of the family, after all! If you’re arriving with your a four-legged-friend in tow, here are some things to consider first:

Make sure the location that we’ve chosen is dog 

They have had exercise beforehand to they’re calm and attentive 

Pack treats and toys 

I hope these tips help you prepare for our session. As always please reach out if you have any questions.

Emma x

